Shopping & Everything For The Home

Let's go internet shopping together girls!

Location: Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tuscan Accessories for the Home

Well, I finally got those fishtail swags hung up in the kitchen and they look better than I thought they would. The medallions that I bought look great, old world and different, just liked I hoped. The husband isn't quite sure if he likes them, but he says as long as I like them it's alright that they'll grow on him. He's right.

Now I want to continue to add to the Tuscan feel of my kitchen with new accessories for my kitchen window. What I'm thinking of is silk herbs. I love real herbs, and grew them outside on my deck this summer and used them alot in my cooking. But, I don't have enough full sun, or room in my kitchen window for real herbs, so, the next best thing is silk.

Believe me, doing an online search is a wonderful thing. I don't know what I did before the internet. You can virtually find everything you could want and you have hundreds of choices to boot!! I found some great silk herbs, rosemary, parsley, thyme, parsley, basil, mint, etc. etc. I may look for topiary style herbs for the windowsill. This would be very Tuscan.