Wine Racks
I don't know about you, but if I have 3 or 4 bottles of wine at one time it's a lot. Right now I do have that many and they are in my kitchen cabinet, lying on their sides so their corks don't dry out and they are taking up valuable space. I've decided that I need to make some room in the kitchen cabinets for kitchen "stuff" like my blender and my dinnerware, so I'm looking for a wine rack.
I want a small one, one that's decorative as well as functional. As you know from this blog my kitchen has a Tuscan theme and I'm always looking for Tuscan style.
I've found many wine racks on line. There are some very futuristic looking ones that are made out of formed plastic of different shapes, and some that are nothing but functional, simple wood and wire and straight lines. Some hang on the wall, some hang from the ceiling and some can take up an entire wall depending on how many bottles you have.
The ones that I found that I liked are of wrought iron. They come in many different shapes and sizes and I've found some that hold as few as 3 bottles which is perfect for me. The one that I chose is the one above. They can also double-duty as bookends. I won't use them for bookends though, I plan to put one above the kitchen cupboards on the left side and one above the kitchen cupboards on the right side and they'll work just great.
Hurray, more room, and more decorative touches!!!