Shopping & Everything For The Home

Let's go internet shopping together girls!

Location: Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

DVD Cabinet

I made a post in July about wanting a video cabinet, something like an armiore. Well, my wish came true. My wonderful hubby ordered me a video cabinet a few weeks ago. It came via UPS in two very long and heavy boxes. My hubby and I got them in the house and up the stairs into the room we call our "mini office". That's where my hubby left me. See, the agreement was that he would buy it and I would put it together.

Our agreement worked beautifully and now the mini office looks neat and uncluttered. Those three horrible open wire dust-collecting DVD stands are now gone, replaced with a lovely piece of furniture. This cabinet is large, 5 ft high and 4 ft wide, it holds 500 some DVD's. It's a three door mission cabinet made by Leslie Dame and purchased through This cabinet wasn't cheap, about $420, but worth every cent. They used very high quality wood and wood laminates. It went together extremely easily and with only drawings to show how it goes together. It was a dream and put together in a few hours on a overcast Sunday afternoon.

Now my next shopping adventure will be accessories to go on top of it. Hmmm, I wonder what other agreements my husband and I can make next!!


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