Shopping & Everything For The Home

Let's go internet shopping together girls!

Location: Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cookware Choices!

I have a Calphalon One Professional Nonstick 10" skillet I bought myself years ago at Hecht's. It was on sale but still was a gastly amount, probably between $50 and $70, a lot of money for me to spend, but it's been so worth it. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING sticks to this pan. It's the best for any type of eggs, as they literally slide out. Clean up, needless to say is a breeze too. It has worn like iron and will probably last for years.

I have a full set of Le Crueset cookware that was given to me many years ago by friends whose home I babysat while they drove cross-country for a month. It was a very nice, and unexpected gift. I had told her about the set, which I had seen at the store Stebbin Anderson. I loved it, but it was well out of my price range then. Also, I had a nice copper clad Revere cookware set at the time. I love the Le Crueset set and still use it almost every day. The Revere cookware is long gone.

I do want to get a larger frying pan now, and I'm not sure what to choose. Chef's Catalogue is having a sale right now. A Cuisinart Nonstick Hard Anodized 12" frypan is $50, marked down from $80, a good buy. The way it's described it's a good all around fry pan, nothing special, but good. The Calphalon One Nonstick fry pan is $135, quite a bit more, but seems like a Cadilliac compared to the Cuisinart. The Calphalon is oven safe, and it comes with a lid. The advertisement promises "flawless food release". Hmmm. Being dishwasher safe is important to me too.

I think this might be something that I ask for for Christmas, I can wait.....


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